
window to the world

to the workshop

During the festival the running activities are going to be presented here on the homepage.
A separate production room equipped with computers, access to the internet, scanners etc. will serve as basis.
Young children-journalists are going to be supplied with the necessary equipment to report on what’s going on. We will assist them in making short video clips, taking pictures, or interviewing participants.
In this way for example those children back in Europe, who have contributed their drawings illustrating Iranian stories, get a chance to follow the event in the internet.


Every day you can see what is going on - choose a date on the timeline to see our diary with the pictures, videos and notes we took in the past days.



   sep. 22.:..opening ceremony..
     sep. 23.:..beginning of the drawing and literature workshops
     sep. 25.:..beginning of the theater workshop
                          ..1.day of seminars
   sep. 26.:..2.day of seminars
    sep. 28.:..1. performance of "Sadako" by AMAL-Theatre (Austria)
     sep. 29.:..1. performance of the Joker-Theatre-Group (Norway)
     okt. 06.:..beginning of the theater ws with Hubertus Zorell (Aut)
     okt. 07.:..official ending ceremony at 10:00 am
                            ..festivities for the end of the festival
            and the celebration of the childrens day at KANOON
            from 8:00 pm on.
     okt. 08.:..last workshop´s and informal festivities with X-CHANGE